About us

BIRKA COMPOSITES is a Spanish company specialized in the manufacture of profiles in composite materials.

Since its inception in 2017, BIRKA has developed its own system for manufacturing composite profiles called Dual Pull Braiding (DPB), which is based on the braided arrangement of fibers embedded in a polymer matrix and whose main advantage is a substantial increase in the mechanical properties of the profiles with respect to those obtained through other traditional methods of manufacturing composite materials.

At BIRKA we provide comprehensive solutions in advanced composite materials to our clients, from the definition and manufacturing of the profiles, to the design and assembly of structures from the manufactured profiles. Thanks to Dual Pull Braiding technology, our profiles can compete mechanically with other traditional materials such as steel, aluminum or wood, with applications in sectors such as construction, transport or energy.

We design and manufacture structural profiles of various geometries and high mechanical performance in fiberglass and carbon fiber, also offering the possibility of making different combinations of fibers depending on the specifications of each client and their needs.


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