About us

We are experts in permanent identification.Our main activity is the manufacturing of identification PLATES, front panels and labels. Metal is the primary material we work with. Our main objective is to obtain high quality, long-lasting products and resistant to all types of external agents.
We have digital technology and last generation equipment
We make a great diversity of finishes adapted to the most demanding requirements. We employ techniques such as anodizing, engraving, screen-printing, etching, die cutting, milling and laser, either individually or combined.
We offer you more than 50 years of experience.
Suprametal was founded in 1967; from the beginning, we have made the commitment of offer durable products. Today with our extensive experience and continued investment in facilities and technical means, we strive to fulfill our strategic objectives, the constant improvement of our competitiveness and the achievement of the utmost satisfaction of our customers. It is our aim to offer added value by anticipating and even exceeding our customer’s expectations.
Our objective, the continuous improvement.
The Suprametal quality management system is certified according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, it supposes the recognition of our quality system’s maturity and confirms our efforts to keep improving and to fully satisfy customers expectations.
We are committed to the environment.
At Suprametal we are committed to efficiency in the use of resources, we are working decisively to promote their responsible and sustainable use. We strive to minimize the generation of waste, strictly complying with current regulations on management and treatment. We have photovoltaic panels exposed in our roofs, so every year we produce 40 MW of renewable electric energy for internal self-consumption.
Suprametal, a Company with values.
We purpose that the values of our company are the same as the ones which flourish our relationship, like trust, cooperation, appreciation, solidarity and effort. Being these the greatest source of satisfaction, motivation and happiness of the human.

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