The Military Emergency Unit (UME) enjoys Simonrack Ecofire Fighting demonstrations.

The Military Emergency Unit (UME) enjoys Simonrack Ecofire Fighting demonstrations.

The Military Emergency Unit (UME) enjoys Simonrack Ecofire Fighting demonstrations.


It is already a fact that Simonrack Ecofire Fighting is on everyone’s lips at national and international level and this week it has managed to surprise the members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) in Madrid.

Both members of the UME and other bodies involved have shown great interest in Simonrack’s fire extinguishing and fire prevention agent.

Last Monday 17th April 2023, members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) and other involved forces were able to enjoy demonstrations of Simonrack Ecofire Fighting.

The demonstration was attended by members of the support regiment and the first emergency intervention battalion. They were in charge of testing Simonrack Ecofire Fighting on different materials such as compacted plastic, wood or tyres. With these, a comparison was made between the fire extinguishing capacity of Simonrack Ecofire Fighting and water.

The result surprised those present, demonstrating that the fire fighting product is 50 times more powerful than water and that the fire does not reactivate, even if we try with a blowtorch.

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