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Telematik is an application developed by GEINSA for massive data capture of surface treatment and painting facilities. It is based on the principles of industry 5.0, taking a significant step towards the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and the IoT (internet of Things), so demanded in the market.

Telematik allows monitoring in real time and recording the data history of GEINSA’s installation lines. This gives installations added value, as it is a very useful tool for preventing failures, optimizing processes and analyzing performance. Telematik has a clear, visual and modern environment that allows easy and quick navigation through its windows, displaying all kinds of information that defines the performance of the installation in real time. From consumption values to speeds and status of the component elements, through alarms and notifications.

In the first place, the IoT and control elements that make up the electrical panel of the surface treatment lines installed by GEINSA receive the operating data of the installation. These transport the information through the data collection system to the GEINSA server databases. Finally, the Telematik web application reads the information stored in the databases, thus allowing the user to view them in their computing environment. All this process takes place in real time, with an inherent lag of just 50s between capturing the real data in the installation and reading it by the user in Telematik.

Advantages and future development
Telematik not only demonstrates GEINSA’s ability to modernize in the fields that technology and industry require for their development, but also implies an important advance in terms of failure prevention, production planning, analysis of performance and process optimization. With an eye always on the future and on continuous improvement, GEINSA faces the challenges of the future with passion and dedication to offer its clients cutting-edge and quality technological solutions.

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