Backing local production

Backing local production

Join us on this journey towards efficiency and sustainability in national production, prioritizing high-quality and skilled jobs.


A New business in Madrid’s industrial sector has born.

Nibis, a brand devoted to manufacturing ha-dock parts for industrial assembly lines, is preparing for its launch. This enterprise is part of a strategic plan to industrialize the region and create, skilled and quality jobs to prevent brain drain off the country. Additionally, reducing offshoring aims to protect intellectual property. The benefits of local production are clear: job stability, fostering employee loyalty, and community strengthening by keeping jobs and resources in the region.

Meet our story: A journey of determination

The story of Nibis is closely linked to Speedrill Outillage, founded in France in 1946. The small French firm managed to build a great reputation due to its industrial quality. However, it faced great challenges after its founder passed aways, nearing closure. In 2008, Juan Úbeda Gil rescued the brand through his firm Euroherramientas. Despite the financial crisis at the time, he relaunched it, invigorating its presence in the Spanish market and returning to its French roots.
Today, Speedrill has modernized and consolidated its position in the Spanish industrial sector, particularly the automotive industry. However, as a company with diverse stakeholders and visions, it faces the need to innovate to meet market demands. The market calls for shorter lead times, well-stocked inventories, and local manufacturing to create better jobs and contribute to regional economic and technological development.
The Birth of Nibis
Juan Antonio and Sara Úbeda, successors of the Speedrill legacy, are launching Nibis, a new and innovative brand. Nibis is set to start operations soon in a state-of-the-art, open-plan factory. It boasts a vibrant and youthful team eager to bring this project from scratch to success.

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