The SB950-SF is equipped with the highest safety technology. The display shows if the load can be moved.
The electropermanent battery lifting magnet SB950-SF is the top product from ASSFALG in the 950kg load range for flat material. 400kg can be lifted for round material.
The SB950-SF has an installed sensor. It measures the magnetic force, compares it with the workpiece weight and shows on the display if the workpiece can be transported. Parameters such as surface property, material thickness and material are considered here.
They combine the advantages of permanent load lifting magnets with those from electro load lifting magnets. Through electrical impulses within seconds, the electropermanent battery lifting magnet SB950-SF from ASSFALG can be automatically or manually switched with the push of a button. Even though no electricity is present during the load transportation, the workpiece is clamped as securely as it would be with permanent load lifting magnets.
Approximately 1,000 ON/OFF switch cycles are possible until the integrated batteries must be recharged through a simple power connection. The electropermanent battery lifting magnet SB950-SF can be used in single mode as well as on magnet traverses and is an interesting alternative for 3-shift operation.
The automatic mode allows for contactless switching. A switch process is generated each time the magnets are added and the crane eyelet relieved and the magnet switches on or off. It is no longer necessary to bend or climb machine tables. Together with the optionally available positioning drawbar, workpieces can be picked up, guided and placed down accurately.