Elephant Modular Store (EMS)

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Elephant Modular Store, is a vertical warehouse with drawers for long products; tubes, bar, aluminium profiles, steel, bronze, cooper, wood, PVC, etc.
Dedicated to small and medium sized companies to stock finished products ready to send; up to 180 tons of goods.
It has 30 configurations to optimize your Warehouse.
The initial model can be located and integrated with a second model to follow the production growth.
EMS can be installed inside a building or externally with special self-standing covering up to 16 meters high.
To satisfy customer needs various configurations are available: front or side working bays, with transporters or automatic guided vehicles; integrated weighing systems, working bays with automatic selection from machine or working centers.
100% software managed and controlled for immediate inventory updates, order readiness, low level stock indicators, mapping every single drawer and compartment. In addition, pre-designed to interface with multiple-level information systems from which the warehouse receives input commands to manage jobs.
Drawers containing maximum weight capacity up to 5000KG are personally designed for weight and dimensions.

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