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AM Madrid 2024

20 y 21 de noviembre 2024, Pabellones 7 & 9, IFEMA

Mitigating supply chain risks by adopting additive manufacturing – The Implementation Journey

Manufacturers face a variety of risks, from major ones like changing trends or legislation to seemingly minor ones like employee sick days and unscheduled equipment downtime. All of these can impact a business, but two years ago, one of the biggest risks to manufacturers’ production came from an unexpected place. Supply chains were hit hard and many struggled to get hold of raw materials and components. And every year after that, we faced new events that continued to challenge the economy.

Additive manufacturing has proven to be an alternative to many of these challenges. However, AM adoption does not happen overnight. It is a complex journey for businesses to discover how to best harness its capabilities. In this presentation we will introduce a methodology that companies can rely on to start, continue or adapt their AM adoption journey. Finally, a practical case of a metal printing application within the context of this journey will be illustrated.

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El 70% de los 600 expositores participantes ya han confirmado durante la propia feria su presencia en la edición 2022, prevista para los días 19 y 20 de octubre, con una superficie expositiva que ocupará tres pabellones.
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